Monday, October 29, 2012


Timeline trending #PrimarySchoolMemories :')

I was ---> 40% nerd
                 5% Skater
                 5% Gamer
                 5% Naughty
                 35% BLUR

Standard 6 used to be a memorial year and a sad year where we have to go
to separate schools. Graduation night was like the best PROM ever.
where we got our own COUPLES to bring. I didn't bring anyone but my ex lover
was there and that's more than enough. haha. butttt, there's someone
who wore almost a couple suit as i am which was Nurvair Mikhail and we sat at the same table. hahahaha.
he's cute back then, now HANDSOME OK. Talking about my ex lover, he's
wearing braces now. lol.

K, that's out of topic. sorry. haha. memories :P
I don't have a picture when i was in Primary school. :/

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